Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Getting hot in D.C.

Since I live and work in the shadow of the nation's capitol, I'm always interested in what our elected representatives are up to -- and the doings on the Hill have been very interesting today.
The Senate -- in the form of Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) refused to seat embattled Illnois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's (D-Il) (hey, notice a pattern here? They all have D's behind their name) pick to fill Barry Hussein Obama's senate seat. By all accounts, Roland Burris is qualified to fill the seat, but the Illinois Secretary of State gave the Senate some wiggle room by refusing to certify Blago's selection.
How interesting -- a bunch of ahem, white democrats refusing to seat a black man. And yet, black Americans vote overwhelmingly democratic.

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