Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Random thoughts

1) Educating myself about Supreme Court pick Sonia Sotomayor. My main question is if a white person -- either male or female - even intimated that a person was better qualified than a Latino or Latina simply because he or she was white, would we even be having this debate about what makes a statement racist?

2) June 1 always fills me with dread -- it's the start of hurricane season, and even though I no longer live on the coast, I keep a weather eye on the tropics from now until November.

3) Tickets for Disney Cruise finally arrived. Now it's REAL.

4) Sad to learn that David Stick -- pre-eminent historian of the Outer Banks -- has died at age 89. I had the honor of interviewing him when I worked at a weekly newspaper there a couple of years ago. What that man didn't know about the history of his beloved barrier island probably isn't worth knowing.

5) Why do people think it's acceptable to talk on their cell phones when in line at a store -- any store? I work part-time for a major retail chain and that behavior is not only rude, but annoying as well.

6) It is comfortably warm outside today - finally.

7) Wonder if I can get my fellow taxpayers to pick up a $24,000 tab for a date night of mine.

8) Hoping that Susan Boyle gets her groove back. What an amazing voice and talent!

9) Is there anything as terrifying to a woman as buying a new bathing suit?

10) How many more days until football season??